Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Smartstreets bin and done it

Smartbins from Smartstreets are an eye-catching new solution to the problem of gum and cigarette litter.

In the form of a miniature litter bin they are made from recycled cast-offs such as soft drinks cans and engine blocks.

Vandal-resistant and fire-proof, Smartbins are designed to wrap around virtually any lamp-post, signpost, railing or bollard as well as fitting on to bus shelters and flat walls.

The bins' design features a restricting liner front which keeps larger litter out. A stubbing-out lip built into the opening enables cigarettes to be extinguished safely and the butts and ash slip into the hidden liner below.

The removable stainless steel interior liner is fire and stick-resistant and the bins can be unlocked and emptied in seconds.

Each bin has a discreet badge area for branding, enabling organisations to show users that they are supporting a cleaner environment.

Weather resistant 'pointer' graphics and non-slip pavement stickers with catchy slogans can be added alongside the bins to provide a localised awareness boost and to encourage a site's customers to dispose of cigarette butts and chewing gum responsibly.

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